The best games for the beach and 10 tips for a successful day

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Always something to do for the holidays or rainy day?

Play Choice now has the ultimate activity book collection, with over 60 pages of fun coloring pages and educational puzzles.

The weather is beautiful and you have decided to go to the beach for a day. It's a fun way to see the sun and give your kids a fun day. But how do you do that safe and?

It is important to know what to look out for for a safe day at the beach with your children. For example, you have to pay attention to the current in the sea, the waves and the landmarks on the beach. But you also have to apply sunscreen and don't forget the UV shirts.

In this article I tell you what you should pay attention to for a safe day at the beach with your children.

What should you pay attention to for a day at the beach with children

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What we discuss in this comprehensive post:

What are the best games for the beach?

If your kids are bored on the beach, it can make for awkward moments. Here are a few tips to make it fun:

  • Make a mountain of sand and let your kids climb and play in it.
  • Run through the surf with your kids and see who can get the furthest.
  • Let your children find a treasure among the hundreds of shells on the beach.
  • Make a sand castle or a sand cake using a shovel and bucket.
  • Play with your children with a ball or Frisbee on the beach.
  • Bring some toys (best for the beach reviewed here).

Beach volleyball

One of the most fun games to play on the beach is beach volleyball. Here's how you can play it:

You need:

  1. A beach ball (lightweight and easy to bounce on soft sand).
  2. A net and associated posts (often available on public beaches, otherwise you can bring your own).
  3. A group of friends or family members to play with.

How To Play:

  1. Place the net at a suitable height between two posts in the sand. The official height for beach volleyball for adults is usually 2,43 meters for men and 2,24 meters for women, but you can adjust the height to suit the age and skill of the players.
  2. Divide the players into two teams. Normally a beach volleyball team consists of two players on each side, but you can adjust the size of the teams depending on the number of players you have.
  3. The object of the game is to hit the ball over the net and land it on the ground in the opponent's court. The other team tries to prevent this and hit the ball back to the other team's playing field.
  4. Each time the ball lands on the opposing team's ground, the serving team scores a point. The receiving team tries to prevent the ball from falling to the ground and tries to return the ball.
  5. The game continues until a team scores a predetermined number of points (e.g. 21 points) and wins by at least two points.

Beach volleyball is a great outdoor activity because it is both fun and challenging. It's a great way to enjoy the beautiful beach weather, be physically active and play with friends or family.

Water race with a beach toy bucket

A fun beach game involving fetching water from the sea that you can play with two teams is called “Bucket Brigade.” Here's how you can play it:

You need:

  1. Two buckets per team.
  2. A clear line in the sand to serve as a starting point.
  3. Many sand castles, pits or holes dug by both teams along the beach and near the sea.

How To Play:

  1. Divide the children into two teams and assign each team a bucket or plastic cup.
  2. On both sides of the play area, close to the sea, dig sand castles, pits or holes and fill them with seawater.
  3. Set a time limit (e.g. 10 minutes) and have the teams compete against each other to get as much seawater into their buckets or cups as possible.
  4. The aim is to carry the seawater from the sea to the pits or holes and pour it into the buckets or cups there.
  5. The teams can run from the sea to the holes to get water and run back to pour it into their buckets or cups.
  6. At the end of the time limit, it is checked which team has collected the most buckets or cups with seawater.
  7. The team that collects the most buckets or cups wins the game.

This game promotes teamwork, cooperation and a healthy dose of competition. It's also a great way to... beach toys use in a different way.

Overall best beach toy

quutMini Ballo Beach Bucket

The bucket has a modern and smart design with a soft finish. As you can see, it is not the standard beach bucket we are used to.

Toy score
Product image

Why a day at the beach with children can be tiring for parents

As a parent you naturally want your children safe and are on the beach. That's why it's important to pay close attention to where you sit on a busy day. Choose a place where you have an overview and where it is not too busy. Make sure your children know where they are allowed to swim and where they are not. Clearly indicate which landmarks there are, such as a beach pole or a recognizable parasol. Agree what they should do if they lose each other and possibly give them a bracelet with your telephone number on it.

Water activities

Children love to play in the water, but it can also be dangerous. Make sure your kids can swim and you're always around when they're in the water. Pay attention to the current and the waves and clearly indicate where they can and cannot swim. Don't let them go too far into the sea and possibly give them a life jacket if they can't swim very well yet.

Don't lose sight of each other

On a busy day, it can be easy to lose each other. Therefore agree where you can find each other if you lose each other. Give your children recognizable clothing, such as brightly colored swimming trunks or a cap with a striking color. This way you can find them quickly if they have gone somewhere else. Also make agreements about where they can go and where not.

Lubricate and protect

On a day at the beach it is important to apply sunscreen to yourself and your children. Use a high factor sunscreen and reapply regularly. Also make sure your kids wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from the bright sun. Have them wear a cap or sun hat to protect their face and head from the sun.

fast fashion

On the beach you often see many people with the same swimwear from fast fashion chains. It is better to choose good quality swimwear that will last longer and better protect against the sun. Choose swimsuits with UPF protection and avoid swimsuits with necklaces, bracelets and other accessories that can snag.

Tidy up is neat

On busy summer days, the beach can get quite crowded and it can be difficult to find a spot. Make sure you clean up your own rubbish and leave your spot tidy. Do not leave any items that may disturb others and make sure you do not leave any litter on the beach.

A day at the beach with children can be tiring, but if you take the above tips into account, you can make it a fun and relaxing day. Make sure you have enough rest and take the time to laze around and enjoy the salty water and the long beach. And if you do lose your child, stay calm and take a good look around you. Often the child is quickly found by bystanders who look directly at the searching face.

Tips for a successful day at the beach with children

A day at the beach with children requires some preparation. Make a handy packing list of all the items you will need, such as swim wings, inflatable buoyancy aids, sunscreen, sunglasses, caps, towels, extra clothes, and food and drink. Make sure you have everything ready before you leave so you don't get pulled from everywhere once you get to the beach.

Basics for a day at the beach

Make sure you always have enough water and food with you. Protect yourself and your children from the sun with UPF swimsuits, sunscreen and caps. Lubricate yourself and your children every hour to prevent sunburn. Bring a simple tent that you can shelter in if it gets too hot. Do not place this tent too close to the waterline, because it can wash away with fast rising water. Always have an extra layer of clothing with you in case it gets cold.

Play and enjoy

The beach is a great place to play and enjoy. Let your children run and play in the sand and water. But always keep the security. Pay attention to the bottom of the sea, as it can unexpectedly deepen. Make sure your child does not go too far into the sea and pay attention to the wind, because it can carry your child away. Enjoy the warm day and the beautiful surroundings, but stay alert and prepared.


  • Make a handy to-do list with all the things you need
  • Put a wristband with your phone number on your child
  • Watch for prohibited areas and information signs
  • Supervise when your child plays in the water
  • Never let your child play alone in the water
  • Protect yourself and your children from the sun
  • Apply yourself and your children every hour
  • Bring a simple tent
  • Do not place this tent too close to the waterline
  • Always have an extra layer of clothing with you
  • Watch the bottom of the sea
  • Make sure your child does not go too far into the sea
  • Watch the wind
  • Enjoy the warm day and the beautiful surroundings, but stay alert and prepared.

Make sure you apply good sunscreen during a day at the beach with children

If you are going to the beach with children for a day, it is important to apply sunscreen to yourself and your children. The sun can be quite bright and if you are not careful, you can get burned. This is not only bad for your skin, but can also be quite painful. That is why it is better to prevent than to cure and to properly lubricate yourself and your children.

Which factor should you choose?

If you are going to buy sunscreen, it is important to pay attention to the factor. The higher the factor, the better protected you are against the sun. Take a factor of 30 anyway, but if you have fair skin or burn quickly, it is better to take a higher factor. Also make sure that you choose a waterproof sunscreen, so that you are also protected when you go swimming.

How do you lubricate yourself and your children?

If you're going to apply sunscreen to yourself and your kids, it's important to be generous. Apply to yourself and your children everywhere except the eyes and lips. If you go diving, it is best to reapply immediately after diving. Don't forget to regularly apply sunscreen to yourself and your children, especially if you play in the sand a lot or have been in the water. Exfoliating before a day at the beach is also a good idea, so that the cream can absorb better.

Which sunscreen is the best to choose?

There are many different brands and types of sunscreen on the market. Choose a brand that you like and that you know offers good protection. Reviews and blogs can help with this. There are also special baby sunscreens available, which are extra gentle on the baby's body. Order these in time, so you can take them to the beach.

How do you use a hand cart to take everything with you?

  • Always take enough sunscreen with you to the beach
  • Make sure you have one good wagon (the best rated here), inflatable canoe or wagon to take everything with you
  • Dress yourself and your children in white clothing, which will reflect the sun and keep you cooler
  • Stay out of the sun between 12.00pm and 15.00pm as this is the hottest part of the day
  • Follow useful lists and tips from websites such as and search Instagram for reviews of travel products
  • Do you get burned? Grab some cooling after sun to ease the pain

Thanks to these tips you can safe and and enjoy a carefree day at the beach with your children. Don't forget to apply sunscreen regularly and stay quietly in the shade during the afternoon. This way you can fully enjoy the most beautiful beaches in the Netherlands!

UPF swimsuit: the best protection for your children against harmful UV rays

A few years ago I was walking at the Monthly Fair and ended up at the stand of the KWF. There was a gentleman informing me about the dangers of the sun and how important it is to properly protect yourself and your children. He talked about wearing a UPF swimsuit and I was immediately interested.

The expertise of a dermatologist

I have dug into the various sites and read all about UPF swimsuits. I noticed that there is a great diversity in the offer and the prices. But what exactly is UPF? UPF stands for Ultraviolet Protection Factor and indicates the extent to which the material blocks harmful UV radiation. The difference between UPF and SPF is that UPF indicates how much UV radiation is blocked by the material, while SPF indicates how much UV radiation is blocked by a sunscreen.

I found out that a UPF swimsuit is a good choice because it protects your children's skin over 98% against harmful UV radiation.

UPF swimsuits in various colors and sizes

There are several sites where you can buy UPF swimsuits. It is important to look at the UPF value and the material from which the swimsuit is made. For example, a white swimsuit offers less protection than a colored swimsuit. In addition, it is useful to look at the size and fit of the swimsuit. A swimsuit that is too tight can cause irritation and a swimsuit that is too loose will not provide enough protection.

UPF swimsuits are inexpensive

A UPF swimsuit doesn't have to be expensive. I paid about 25 euros for my son's swimsuit at the time. It may seem like a lot, but if you consider that you can reuse the swimsuit every year and that it protects the health of your children, it is a small investment.

Why sunglasses are so important for children on the beach

When you're at the beach, chances are your kids spend a lot of time in the sun. The sun can emit harmful rays that can damage your children's eyes. Sunglasses are therefore a must-have accessory for every child. Not only does it protect their eyes from the harmful rays, but it also looks cute.

Sunglasses are especially important for babies and young children

Babies and young children have fragile eyes that are extra sensitive to the harmful rays of the sun. It is therefore very important to protect their eyes with sunglasses. Also make sure your baby wears a sun hat to protect their head from overheating.

Handy closure for baby sunglasses

When buying sunglasses for your baby, look for ones with a convenient closure. This will prevent the glasses from slipping off your baby's head and losing them.

Nice items for boys and girls

There are so many fun sunglasses for kids to be found! At Prénatal, for example, you can find nice items for boys and girls. Together with your son or daughter, see which glasses they think are the coolest.

Put the sunglasses on the other way around

Do you notice that your children do not want to wear the sunglasses? Then put the glasses on the other way around. This certainly works with older children. For example, say, “Why aren't you wearing your sunglasses? Put it on the other way around and you'll look even cooler!"

Don't forget to find a good pair of sunglasses

When buying sunglasses for your kids, don't give up too quickly. It is important to find good sunglasses that protect your children's eyes well. Therefore, always read the description and pay attention to the UPF value.

A super simple tent for a relaxed beach day with your children

A day at the beach with a baby or young children can sometimes be quite a task. Especially if you have to carry a lot of stuff and constantly watch them while they play in the sand. But with the right camping gear, it all becomes a lot easier and more relaxed. One of the best and simplest camping products you can take with you is a pop-up tent. And the Quechua pop-up tent is highly recommended.

The benefits of a pop-up tent

A pop-up tent is a tent that unfolds itself as soon as you take it out of the bag. All you have to do is remove the cover and the tent sets itself up. You fix the corner points with guy ropes and you open and close the zippers. Within a few seconds the tent is up and you can use it.

The tent is suitable for young children and offers enough space for an afternoon nap or to sit out of the sun and wind. The tent has a mattress and fastening clips for sleeping bags. The clips hold the sleeping bags together so that your children do not roll off each other.

Good food and drinks during a day at the beach with children

If you go to the beach for a day, it is important to bring enough food and drink. Bring a bottle of water and sweet drinks to quench your thirst. Regularly get something to eat at a beach bar or bring something yourself. You soon notice that you get hungry from a hot day on the beach.

What to eat during a day at the beach with children

A sandwich, juicy apple, cracker or biscuit are always handy to take with you for the children. A piece of fruit or vegetables is also a healthy snack. You can also enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner at many beach bars. Scheveningen, for example, has many nice shops and restaurants where you can enjoy a nice snack. We liked the most to eat at a beach bar next to the boulevard.

In any case, take more than you would normally eat at home in a day, especially if you go swimming. All the activity and heat will make you eat and drink a lot more than usual.

Combine activities and food

If you combine a day at the beach with an activity, it is useful to know where you can go for a snack and drink. For example, you can go to the Ferris wheels on the Scheveningen pier. These are no less than 60 meters high and you can step into a cabin that rotates in circles. A few laps later you have a beautiful view of the coastline. In addition to the Ferris wheels, you can also bungee jump.

Sand bites: what to do if your child ingests sand on the beach?

As a parent you know that it is almost inevitable that your children will ingest sand during a day out playing with sand on the beach. But there are a number of things you can do to prevent it:

  • Don't let your baby or small child play on the sand without extra protection, such as a soft natural cotton poncho.
  • Always have an extra bottle of water and cream with you to rinse the sand off the skin and moisturize the skin.

What to do if it does happen?

If your child does ingest sand, it is important to act immediately:

  • Immediately remove the sand from the mouth and let your child spit it out. If the child is very small, you can gently pat it on the back to get the sand out.
  • Rinse your child's mouth and hands with water to remove the sand.
  • If your child has ingested a large amount of sand and starts coughing or retching, see a doctor right away.
  • If your child suffers from itching, you can apply an anti-itch cream.

What if your child gets dirty?

It may happen that your child looks completely white with sand after a day at the beach. But don't panic, it's quite normal and there are a few things you can do to clean it:

  • Rinse the sand off your child's skin and clothing with water as much as possible.
  • Use squeegee cleaners to clean your child's face.
  • Put your child into clean clothes, such as underwear, swimwear and a soft poncho made of natural cotton.
  • Give your child a juice, crackers, or cookies to cool down and recover from playing on the beach.

A day at the beach can be very tiring, but if you are well prepared and know what to do if your child ingests sand, it can be a fantastic day.


So, if you're planning a day at the beach with kids, it's important to pay attention to where they'll be playing, the current in the water, the direction of the wind and the waves, and make sure they're slathered on with sunscreen.

But the most important thing is to make it a relaxing day and include enough moments of rest so that they can burn off their energy. In addition, it is important to security of your children by paying close attention to them and not losing sight of them.

This way you can experience a successful day at the beach!

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Play Choice now has the ultimate activity book collection, with over 60 pages of fun coloring pages and educational puzzles.

Joost Nusselder, the founder of is a content marketer, father and loves trying out new toys. As a child he came into contact with everything related to games when his mother started the Tinnen Soldaat in Ede. Now he and his team create helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with fun play ideas.