Bolderkar vs cargo bike: what are you going for?

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Bolderkarren and cargo bikes each have their advantages and disadvantages. But when do you go for one wagon and when would you rather pick one cargo bike?

Both are useful for transporting children and belongings. A wagon is best for outings where you arrive in a different way, because you pull it behind you. A cargo bike is more convenient for quickly covering distances, such as shopping or taking your children to school. 

Let's take a look at the pros and cons any vehicle to transport children easily. This way you can make the right choice.

Bolderkar vs cargo bike - what are you going for?

A wagon you are moving along, so you are not that fast and you should therefore not be in a hurry.

With a cargo bike you can transport something or someone faster, but it is not suitable for outings. 

Or you just decide you need them both in your family!

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A handcart: advantages and disadvantages

A wagon has several advantages, but also a number of things that do not make it suitable for every situation.

I'll just touch on both sides of this vehicle.

Advantages of a handcart

  • You can transport children and heavy items with it
  • It relieves your body
  • Ideal for days out
  • Perfect if you have several children

If you are looking for a convenient means of transportation that allows you to relieve the burden on your body and so you do not have to carry heavy loads, a wagon a great choice.

If you lift heavy for a long time, it can cause physical complaints at some point.

In case you often have to transport or carry heavy items, or want to take your children to school, one wagon very useful. 

Moreover, it is a must-have for days out with the family. In addition to being able to store your kids in it, you can also transport cool boxes, jackets, bags and other items.

A wagon move on and will relieve the whole family. You can then take turns pulling the cart!

A wagon It is very easy to use and it really fits a lot. Also nice if your little one wants to take a nap while you want to rest on a terrace. 

Find here the nicest wagons in a row in my extensive review

Disadvantages of a handcart

A wagon therefore has many advantages. However, it also has a number of negatives:

  • Must be pulled along
  • Sometimes not so comfortable
  • Not equipped with seat belts
  • Not nice in busy theme parks

A wagon was primarily designed to transport goods.

It is therefore logical that a wagon is not equipped with seat belts, which would of course provide extra safety if you transport your children in it.

If your child is restless and suddenly stands up or leans on the edge, the stroller may tip over.

It is therefore important to tell your children to stay in the car.

Also can be a wagon can be hard at times, so you may want to put pillows in them for your child's comfort.

If you are with your family a fun but busy amusement park walks around, it can pull a wagon can sometimes be a burden because it takes up a lot of space.

A cargo bike: advantages and disadvantages

A cargo bike can also be a useful means of transport in many cases.

The advantages of a cargo bike

Below you can read the biggest advantages:

  • You can carry a lot of stuff with it
  • It's safe
  • You can transport several children at the same time 
  • It's cozy
  • It offers overview

Probably the biggest advantage of one cargo bike that you can transport a lot of stuff with it. You can really fit a lot into it.

Not only can you transport children with it; you can also do your shopping with it, drop off packages or pick up large items.

A cargo bike is sturdy and stable, and will therefore not easily fold over. Many people purchase one cargo bike recommended for transporting children.

Babies can also participate in the cargo bike, so you don't have to wait until they can sit up independently.

Furthermore, it is great fun to spend time together cargo bike to grab. You can keep an eye on your children because they are right in front of you.

Find the best electric cargo bikes reviewed here for the most comfortable ride

Disadvantages of a cargo bike

A cargo bike also has a number of disadvantages, namely: 

  • The size
  • It is sometimes hard to pedal
  • Parking can be a problem
  • It has a larger turning radius
  • He does not cycle well without children

The cargo bike is quite a bit longer than a regular bicycle, so it takes up a bit more space.

It also feels wider than a regular bike, but it's not really that. It can also be a disadvantage that the bike pedals a bit heavily.

But if you want to move extra, that shouldn't be a problem. Or you take an electric cargo bike for a helping hand!

Because the cargo bike is larger than a regular bicycle, it is sometimes difficult to find a place to park it.

With the cargo bike you could make fine turns, but keep in mind that you will have to take some larger turns.

You will see that with a little practice you will get better at this, but on narrow roads this can sometimes be inconvenient.

To the cargo bike However, you won't have much use if you don't transport children or belongings in it. Then it just doesn't cycle very well.

You're missing some kind of counterbalance at the front.

Conclusion: handcart vs cargo bike

It is clear that both cargo bikes and wagons have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on the purpose for which they are needed.

While a wagon is more suitable for family outings, one can cargo bike are the better choice for quickly and efficiently transporting children or groceries.

In terms of safety, both vehicles offer good protection thanks to their design and structure. A cargo bike is slightly safer due to the safety straps in it.

When choosing between cargo bike en wagon one must take one's own needs, budget and family size into account.

Ultimately, choosing between these two vehicles is a matter of personal preference, as both offer great transportation options in different conditions.

Also read: Wagon or buggy | What do you choose? [Advantages and disadvantages at a glance]

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Joost Nusselder, the founder of is a content marketer, father and loves trying out new toys. As a child he came into contact with everything related to games when his mother started the Tinnen Soldaat in Ede. Now he and his team create helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with fun play ideas.