Game-based learning: How games help children develop

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Games are great fun, but what do children actually learn from games?

Games are a fantastic way to support children in their development. Games can cognitive skills, social skills, physical skills and creative skills. This is called game-based learning.

In this article I discuss how games can support children in their development and what they can learn.

Why is playing games so good for children

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What we discuss in this comprehensive post:

What are Games?

Games are activities in which children learn and develop through play. It refers to a means of stimulating and challenging children in an appropriate way. Games are an integral part of the pedagogical approach in early education and are used to support children's development.

The impact of games on children's development

Games have a significant impact on the development of children. On the one hand, they provoke children's curiosity and increase their attention span. On the other hand, they stimulate the development of cognitive skills, such as problem-solving skills and concentration.

Games provide a safe space for children to experiment and learn. They seem simple at first sight, but can go deeper than one thinks. Games can help children to get a feel for certain subjects and areas, such as literacy and numeracy.

The role of games in early education

Games are an important part of early education and are used as a supportive approach to broaden and deepen children's development. It is important that the range of games is in line with the world of children and that there is sufficient variety in the materials and activities.

A play-learning environment that offers play impulses can enhance children's development. It is important that the interaction quality between children and supervisors is good and that there is a balance between child-initiated and child-following play.

The impact of games on later academic performance

Games have a positive influence on children's later academic performance. Children who play games at a young age are more likely to be successful in later school years.

It is important that games are used in a planned and integrated manner in early education. It is important that there is a good mix between education and fun and that there is sufficient variety in the range of games.

The recommendation for the use of games in preschool education

It is important that sufficient attention is paid to the quality of preschool education. It is important that there is a sufficient supply of games and that extra attention is paid to the quality of interaction between children and supervisors.

In addition, games must be used in a planned and integrated manner and there must be sufficient variety in the range of games. It is important that games are meaningful and fit in with the world of children.

What is Learning?

Learning is the process of changing behavior that takes place through the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and preferences. JP Guilford gave the best definition of learning: “It involves new ways of doing things and occurs in an individual's attempts to overcome obstacles or adapt to new situations. It represents a progressive change in behavior.”

Brown (2017) argues that learning is a process of making neural connections between what is learned and what is already known.

Important aspects of learning are:

  • Behavior Change: Learning results in a change in behavior.
  • Relatively permanent: What has been learned is generally retained for a long time.
  • Non-Innate: Learning is not innate, but acquired through experience.
  • Continuous: Learning takes place throughout life.

Learning takes place by observing and experiencing new situations and making associations between new information and existing knowledge. Learning through play is important because it gives children the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge in a natural and enjoyable way.

At what age does learning begin?

Learning starts at birth. Babies and toddlers are constantly learning, even while sleeping. Between birth and age 5, a child learns at an unparalleled speed. Formal learning in school begins at age 5.

Research by Adžija, M., & Sindik, J. (2014) has shown that the most appropriate age for starting the formal learning process, such as learning a foreign language, is at kindergarten age, when children can also be intrinsically motivated.

How do babies learn best through play?

Babies learn through their experiences. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies begin to learn the world around them as soon as they're born. They can see and hear what's going on around them, and can communicate their needs and interests to others. Parents can help their babies learn by playing with them and giving them a good start in life.

According to the study “The Infinite Gift: How Children Learn and Unlearn the Languages ​​of the World” by Yang (2006), learn babies soon their first words and from the age of three they learn ten new words a day and speak in complete sentences. Learning a language is therefore fast and seems to happen automatically.

Learning and exploring go hand in hand. Babies learn to talk by unlearning the grammar of other languages, testing their options and rejecting the wrong ones. This is an ancient evolutionary mechanism that occurs throughout the animal kingdom and is similar to how birds learn to sing. The process seems effortless.

How do toddlers learn best through play?

Toddlers learn best through playful learning, repetition and reinforcement. They benefit from participating in social activities that provide opportunities for repetition and experiences. This combination of engaging activities helps them build skills and understanding in a natural and enjoyable way.

Preschoolers love to explore, experiment and actively manipulate objects, such as sorting and sensory motor activities. Interactions with peers and adults are essential for their cognitive and social development.

Group projects promote teamwork and collaboration, while singing, storytelling and participating in early literacy and science exploration stimulate thinking skills.

Tailoring activities to their individual interests and strengths empowers toddlers to take the lead and promotes engagement and motivation.

How do kindergartners learn in the classroom?

Kindergartners learn through different methods in the classroom. This includes providing an environment that allows them to build basic knowledge and skills. Play is an important method that allows children to learn in a natural and fun way.

Repetition plays a vital role in helping children understand concepts and develop skills. Providing a variety of activities and experiences helps children stay engaged and promote their understanding.

In the classroom, children are encouraged to explore and develop their curiosity, which helps foster their language skills and exposure to different concepts.

Children also learn through interaction with their peers and adults, developing communication skills and learning to navigate social situations.

The class also offers tailored support, adapting individual interests and strengths to promote each child's development.

What do children learn from playing games?

Games are a valuable building block in children's development. They contribute to the development of social, psychological, physical and creative skills. Below you will find more information about it what children learn from playing of games.

Games contribute to the social development of children

Games are not only fun, but also educational. Games contribute to the social development of children because they learn to play together, share and distribute. Children learn to take others into account and to process disappointments when things do not go as agreed. Games also stimulate the ability to show empathy and understand the points of view of other participants.

Games develop fine motor skills

Playing games can also significantly improve children's fine motor skills. This development of fine motor skills occurs through various aspects of play, such as hand-eye coordination, precision movements and strengthening grip strength.

While playing board games, puzzles or creative craft activities, children are encouraged to manipulate small pieces, move pawns, accurately place puzzle pieces and even draw or write. This all helps improve their fine motor skills.

One of the biggest plus points of it developing fine motor skills through games is for children to have fun while they learn.

Games develop gross motor skills

Playing games has a positive influence on children's gross motor skills, which is reflected in their ability to perform large movements and coordination. During active games, outdoor games, and sporting activities, children are encouraged to run, jump, climb, balance, and perform other physical movements. This contributes to developing their gross motor skills, improving their balance, muscle strength and coordination.

One of the biggest advantages of it developing gross motor skills through games is that it contributes to a healthy lifestyle. By regularly playing actively and exercising gross motor skills, children promote their physical fitness and vitality.

Games are good for the development of children's cognitive skills

Games are a great way to... cognitive skills of children to develop. They learn to make connections and gradually understand how things work. By playing games, children also learn to find solutions to problems and to remember things. This contributes to their development and helps them later in life.

Tips to encourage playing games

Below you will find some tips to stimulate playing games:

  • Encourage: Encourage your child to play and join in the fun too.
  • Independence: Encourage your child to invent and play games.
  • Keep an eye on things: Keep an eye on things, but don't force your child to play.
  • Creativity: Use everyday objects to come up with creative games.
  • Variation: Vary the games and play them at different times.
  • Difficulty level: Adjust the difficulty of the games to the age of your child.
  • Failures: Let your child experience that failures sometimes happen and that this is okay.
  • Exuberance: Let your child play exuberantly and have fun.

In short, games are a valuable lesson for children. They stimulate the development of social, psychological, physical and creative skills. By playing games, children lay an important building block for their further development.

What are the different types of learning?

There are different types of learning. According to the VARK learning model, these consist of visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic learning.

The study called “Application of VARK learning model on 'Data structures and algorithms' course” (2017) by Stojanova, Stojkovikj, Kocaleva, Zlatanovska and Martinovska-Bande showed that the use of a VARK learning model, which combines these methods, has a significant has a positive effect on children's learning and understanding.

According to the VARK model, the four learning styles are visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic. We all have a primary or dominant learning style. This means that we understand and remember information better when we receive it in our preferred style.

Below is a diagram of the four learning styles.

Pig learning styles diagram

The quiz below can help you determine your learning style and that of your child.

Read each question and select the answer that best suits you. Then press the “Calculate Learning Style” button and you will see what your preferred learning style is.

  1. When trying to understand new information, I find it most helpful to:
    View charts, graphs and images
    Listen to someone explain it
    Read texts or take notes
    Actively participate, try things out and practice
  2. When learning new words or concepts, I find it most comfortable to:
    Use images or mind maps
    Hear the pronunciation of the words
    Write down words and read definitions
    Use the words in practice
  3. When I remember something, it helps me most if I:
    Visualizing it in my head
    Hear it in my mind
    Write it down or read it
    Experience it physically or practice with it
  4. When I have to present information to others, I prefer:
    Visual aids such as slides or diagrams
    An oral presentation with conversation
    Written reports or handouts
    Demonstrations or practical examples
  5. When learning new skills, I prefer to learn by:
    Watching instructional videos
    Listening to instructions
    Reading manuals
    The direct practical experience
  6. When troubleshooting I prefer:
    Visualizing the situation
    Discussing the problem with others
    Analyzing written information
    Trying out different solutions
  7. While studying or working I like to:
    Work with color codes and diagrams
    Have discussions and work with others
    Take notes and read texts
    Do practical exercises
  8. When following instructions, I prefer:
    Pictures or maps
    Verbal instructions
    Written instructions
    Demonstrations or practical examples
  9. When I learn something new, I like to:
    Study images and graphs
    Listening to instructions or conversations
    Read texts and manuals
    Do practical exercises
  10. When studying a new topic, I prefer:
    Visual resources such as videos and images
    Listening to lectures or conversations
    Reading books and texts
    Try it out and experiment for yourself
  11. When trying to understand new information, I find it most helpful to:
    View charts, graphs and images
    Listen to someone explain it
    Read texts or take notes
    Actively participate, try things out and practice

Your dominant learning style is: Visual
Your dominant learning style is: Auditory
Your dominant learning style is: Reading/writing
Your dominant learning style is: Kinesthetic

The VARK questionnaire on is also a reliable option. This questionnaire helps you identify which learning style is dominant: visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinesthetic.

What is the Montessori vision on children's learning through play?

The Montessori Method, developed by Maria Montessori, revolves around the principle of “Help me do it myself.” This approach to parenting and education recognizes children's natural drive for self-development. Educators and teachers play a crucial role in Montessori education by understanding a child's needs and creating an environment adapted to those needs. This includes providing appropriate materials and space for children to learn and explore independently.

How do you motivate and involve children in learning?

Motivation to learn is essential for children. There are several ways to motivate children and keep them involved in the learning process.

First, it's important to set children achievable goals. From early childhood, effort is needed to maintain motivation, but success must be possible. Children lose motivation when a task is too easy, but also when it is too difficult to overcome.

In addition, it's important to make learning fun and engaging. Providing activities that promote communication and interaction encourages children to stay engaged. The use of props and collaborative activities can also be motivating.

A positive and supportive atmosphere is also essential. Celebrating successes and keeping track of goals can increase children's motivation. In addition, it's important to give children choices and to explore their interests and questions. This promotes their involvement and helps them develop their own skills and interests.

How do toys with high educational value help learning?

Toys can aid the learning process in several ways. Playing with toys can help children develop skills such as problem solving and spatial awareness.

Educational toys, such as building blocks and science kits, allow children to explore scientific concepts and conduct experiments.

Playing with musical instruments can promote the development of language and social skills. Playing with puzzles and books can increase vocabulary and understanding. Toys can also help develop empathy, independence, and motivation.

It's important for parents to choose toys with a high educational value that fits the age and specific learning goals of their children.

Free play: how do I motivate my child to invent their own games?

Free play: how do I motivate my child to invent their own games?

As a parent, it is important to encourage your child to keep himself busy in an independent way. Free play is an important factor in this. It is a misunderstanding that children always need commands to behave. It is precisely by giving them the freedom to invent their own games that they learn important interpersonal values ​​and discover their unique way of exploring and discovering the world around them.

Why is free play so important?

Free play is useful for the development of the child in various areas. It is necessary for brain development and learning how to deal with emotions and impulses. Through free play, children learn to deal flexibly with people and circumstances and learn to control their impulses. In addition, they learn to solve problems and communicate with others in a playful way.

How do you encourage free play?

It is important to challenge your child and to invest in discovering the environment and inventing games. Below are a few tips:

  • Give your child the space to explore and discover things on their own. Offer new things, but don't label them. Let your child play freely and discover what he or she can do with it.
  • At primary school you can expect your child to be able to play independently for a longer period of time. Roughly speaking, a maximum guideline of one hour applies to a toddler.
  • Offer your child several options from which to choose. It is important that your child can decide for himself what he or she wants to do.
  • Discuss with your child what he or she finds difficult or fun to do. Together you can look for activities that match your child's interests.
  • Provide encouraging proximity. Let your child know that you are nearby, but that he or she can play independently.
  • Give your child the opportunity to invent games and integrate them into his or her game. This way the game will stick better and your child will learn to be creative.

Activity ideas & kids games

If you have kids, you know how important it is to come up with fun activities to keep them entertained. Especially during bad weather or during the holidays it can be difficult to come up with something fun. But that doesn't have to mean sitting at home all the time with nothing to do. With the help of these activity ideas, you'll be able to create something fun for the whole family in no time.

Build and make games

  • Homemade bowling: Fold colored papers around milk cartons and make a paper crocodile or green or red horse. Think of a different animal or theme and fill the bowls with ping pong balls to throw.
  • Mini course: Make a course out of boxes and let the children run around it. Make it extra difficult by having them walk blindfolded.
  • Doing tricks: Have the children do tricks such as walking a tightrope with a rope taped to the floor. Or have them throw balls and try to catch them while standing on one leg.

Movement games

  • Throwing Ping Pong Balls: Have the children throw ping pong balls into plastic containers and try to count the number of balls they get into them.
  • Build a castle: Have the kids stack boxes to build a castle and let them play inside.
  • Make smoothie: Let the children eat fruit between meals and make a colorful smoothie with fruits and vegetables. Serve it on a party plate and make it into a photo album.

Independent games

  • Making Sounds: Take finger puppets and make fun sounds to entertain the kids.
  • Picnic: Make snacks and have a picnic in the garden or park. Including music and nail pooping with a big nail on the floor and a nice party sign on it.
  • Making Smurf Snot: Make a stiff mixture of water, fabric softener and shampoo and let the children blow bubbles with it. The funniest bubbles wins the contest.

With these activity ideas and games, the children will not be bored and will have a lot of fun while they learn and develop.

How do games contribute to learning?

Playing games is not only fun, but it is also how children learn best. In this way they develop memory, creative and self-regulatory skills, and how playing together is an important aspect.

How games strengthen memory

Memory is an important aspect of children's cognitive development. Children can train and strengthen their memory through games. Here are some tips:

  • Memory: playing memory games is a fun way to train memory. Children have to concentrate and remember where certain cards are.
  • Puzzling: making puzzles stimulates children to concentrate and remember where certain pieces belong.
  • Upside down: Turn cards or puzzle pieces upside down and have children turn them over to see what's on them. This challenges the memory even more.

Cognitive skills in children: how do you stimulate them?

Cognitive skills have to do with a child's ability to process, understand and apply information. This includes the ability to learn, remember, reason, plan and solve problems. It develop cognitive ability is essential for a child's growth and development.

How do children develop cognitive skills?

Cognitive skills develop gradually as a child gets older. The development depends on several factors, such as the age of the child, the environment in which it grows up and the genetic predisposition. It is important to understand that every child develops at their own pace and there is no set age for a child to master certain skills.

How can you stimulate cognitive skills?

As a parent, you can stimulate your child's cognitive skills in various ways. Here are some tips:

  • Toys: Choose toys that stimulate your child's cognitive skills, such as blocks, puzzles, and games. This helps develop spatial awareness, problem-solving skills and creativity.
  • Talk regularly: Talk to your child regularly and ask questions to stimulate his or her thinking. This helps develop language skills and communication skills.
  • Play outside: Let your child play and explore outside. This helps develop sensory perception and spatial awareness.
  • Home rules and structure: Create rules and structure at home to help your child develop planning and organization skills.
  • Learning New Things: Encourage your child to learn and explore new things. This helps develop curiosity and learning ability.
  • Do things together: Do things together with your child, such as drawing, crafts and playing games. This helps develop social skills and cooperation.
  • Repeat and Build: Review things your child has learned and add new information to encourage learning.
  • Water and sand: Let your child play with water and sand to develop fine motor skills and stimulate sensory perception.
  • Draw and write: Encourage your child to draw and write to develop fine motor skills and encourage language skills.
  • Games: Play games with your child to stimulate memory and problem solving skills.

What does this mean for your child's education?

Stimulating cognitive skills depends on the age and developmental stage of your child. It is important to understand that every child develops at their own pace and there is no set age at which a child should master certain skills. It is therefore important to be patient and to continue to stimulate and challenge your child.

Motor skills in children: how do they develop?

As humans, we are naturally active and move a lot. This also applies to babies. Babies start developing their motor skills from birth. In the first months they get to know their own body and discover how to move their arms and legs. As the baby gets older, motor skills will continue to develop. For example, the baby learns to roll over, sit, crawl and ultimately walk.

The role of parents and toys

Parents play an important role in supporting their child's motor development. This can be done, for example, by encouraging the child to move and play. The right material can also help with this. For example, toys and games can contribute to the development of motor skills. Think of building with blocks, drawing or playing with a ball.

The differences between ages

The development of motor skills varies by age. For example, a four-month-old baby will not yet be able to sit, while a four-year-old toddler can already jump and run well. It is important to take this into account when offering games and activities. For example, a baby can already enjoy playing with a ball, but will not be able to throw it yet.

The positive effects of moving and playing

It is important to encourage children to move and play. This not only has a positive effect on motor development, but also on the health and well-being of the child. By moving and playing, changes occur in the body that contribute to healthy development. In addition, moving and playing provide fun and relaxation.

Outdoor games and playgrounds

Playing outside is a good way to encourage children to exercise. It is important that there is enough space to run and play. Playgrounds are a good option for this. Here children can enjoy themselves and develop their motor skills. Think of climbing, sliding, swinging and playing with a ball or string.

The role of school and group games

Attention is also paid to the motor development of children at school. For example, gym classes are given and group games are played. This contributes to the development of motor skills, but also to the social skills of the child. For example, by playing and moving together, children learn to take each other into account.

The influence of leading and following

Both leading and following play an important role in the development of motor skills. For example, in the beginning a child will mainly be led by the parents or caregivers. Later on, the child will increasingly take the lead and decide for itself what it wants to do. It is important to connect with this and to give the child the space to discover and learn for themselves.

Social skills in children: how do you teach them?

Social skills are essential to a child's development. This involves the ability to get along well with others, to express yourself and to be considerate of the feelings of others. Children who develop these skills well have fewer problems with communication and relationships later in life. It is therefore important to help children develop these skills.

At what age can you start learning social skills?

The teaching social skills starts at a young age. From birth, children learn to communicate and interact with others. As children get older, they can develop more and more social skills. It is important to take into account the age and development of the child. For example, young children can already learn to play together, while older children can focus more on communication and empathy.

How can you deal with any difficulties in learning social skills?

It can happen that a child has difficulty developing social skills. For example, this can be due to a lack of self-confidence or other causes. It is important to look at the needs of the child and to look for suitable solutions. With this you can think of:

  • Providing extra support: give the child extra attention and help in developing social skills.
  • Looking for suitable activities: look for activities in which the child feels strong and in which they can practice social skills.
  • Involving famous people: Involve famous people in teaching social skills, such as friends or family members.
  • Seeking Professional Help: If the problem is too big, it may be necessary to seek professional help.

What are some examples of everyday situations where social skills are important?

Social skills are important in many everyday situations. Below you will find some examples:

  • Playing together: learning to play together with others in a group.
  • Communication: learn to express yourself well and listen to others.
  • Self-confidence: learn to stand up for yourself and speak your mind.
  • Rules and boundaries: learning to deal with rules and boundaries set by others.
  • Sports: learning to cooperate and communicate during sports activities.
  • Playing outside: learning to be considerate of others while playing outside.
  • At school: learning to get along with other children and to communicate with teachers.

What is the difference between social skills and communication?

Social skills and communication are closely linked. Communication is one of the components of social skills. This involves the ability to express yourself well and to listen to others. However, social skills encompass more than just communication. This includes the ability to get along well with others, consider the feelings of others, and work together in a group.

The importance of social interaction and cooperation when playing games

Games are not only fun, but also important for children's development. As children grow older, they learn more and more about the world around them and develop new skills. An important aspect of playing games is the social interaction and cooperation between children.

Toddlers and toddlers learn social skills by playing together

Even young children need social interaction. Toddlers and toddlers learn social skills by playing together with peers. Playing games helps children learn how to work together and take into account the needs and wants of others.

Playing together promotes the development of motor and creative skills

Playing games with others not only promotes... social skills of children, but also their motor and creative skills. For example, children learn how to move and use their bodies to play a game. They also learn how to use their imagination to come up with new games.

Playing games in the neighborhood can make you feel safer

Playing games in the neighborhood can not only contribute to the development of the creativity and imagination of children, but it can also provide a sense of security. Playing together helps children get to know each other better and creates a sense of community. This can make children feel safer in their neighborhood and become more involved in their environment.

Playing games helps children develop self-regulation and MRT

Playing games helps children develop self-regulation and MRT (mental rotation skills). For example, children learn how to regulate their behavior and how to react to the reactions of others. They also learn how to interpret information and how to follow the rules of a game.

Playing together helps children develop social skills

Playing games with others helps children develop social skills. For example, children learn how to listen to others and respond to the needs of others. They also learn how to work together and how to resolve conflicts.

How parents can guide their children in playing games

Parents can help their children develop social skills by playing games with them. Here are some tips:

  • Choose games that are age-appropriate for the child.
  • Explain the rules of the game and make sure the child understands them.
  • Encourage the child to play with peers.
  • Help the child resolve conflicts and be considerate of the needs of others.
  • Give the child the space to invent and play their own games.

How games can help children develop their emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand and manage emotions, both in yourself and others. It is an important skill that children need to develop healthy relationships and be successful in life. Games can help children develop their emotional intelligence in several ways.

Games as a measuring instrument

Games can be used as a measurement tool to measure children's emotional intelligence. Reports and measurements can be used to determine how good children are at recognizing and understanding emotions. This makes it possible to compare with peers and to monitor whether children are growing in their emotional intelligence.

Games as exercise

Games can also be used as exercise to improve children's emotional intelligence. For example, by playing games, children learn to:

  • Respond sensitively to the emotions of others
  • Recognize and name their own emotions
  • Control and express emotions in a healthy way
  • Show empathy for others

Games as tools

Games can also be used as a tool to help children develop their emotional intelligence. For example, when children have difficulty recognizing emotions or expressing their own emotions. By playing games, children can learn to deal with their emotions in an accessible way.

Games as part of education

Games can also be an important part of children's education. By playing games together, children learn, for example, to:

  • To listen to others
  • To work together
  • To solve the problems
  • Dealing with losses and disappointments

The effect of games on children's physical development

How games stimulate children's physical development

Playing games is not only fun, but also important for children's physical development. Playing games can play an additional role in the development of the motor skills of children. Below you will find more information about how games can stimulate the physical development of children.

Motor development

Playing games can have a positive influence on children's motor development. By moving and playing, children discover the world around them and develop motor skills. Playing games can help improve children's overall health, as exercise can reduce tension and reduce the effects of stress.

Which development areas are stimulated?

Games can stimulate the development of several areas of physical development, including:

  • Fine motor skills: picking up blocks and thinking and thinking ahead while playing games stimulates fine motor skills.
  • Gross motor skills: Moving and running while playing games stimulates gross motor skills.
  • Coordination: By playing games that require coordination, such as balance games, coordination skills are stimulated.

Challenging task

Playing games can also be a challenging task for children. This can contribute to the development of their self-confidence and personality development. It can also help boost their creative and intellectual skills.

Varying offer

There are countless games for kids to play, ranging from board games to outdoor games. Varying the range of games can help to stimulate and motivate children to keep playing. It is also important to remember that not every child has the same interests. It is therefore important to offer a wide range of games.

Screen usage

It is important to remember that not all games need to be played on tablets or other screens. For example, playing outdoor games can help stimulate children's physical development. It is important to find a balance between screen use and other forms of games.

Book tips

There are many books available that offer ideas for games for children to play. Some examples are “The best indoor and outdoor games” by Rob and Ksenia Chernaya and “Playing with your child” by Lianne Ik. These books provide an overview of games that children can play and explain the benefits of playing games.

How games can help children develop their creativity and imagination

Playing games helps children to develop their imagination

Playing games is a great way for kids to develop their imagination. Through play, children can imagine themselves in different roles and situations. For example, they can be a princess who needs to be rescued, a superhero who needs to save the world or a cook who needs to prepare a delicious meal. By playing these roles, children learn to use their imagination and to think outside the box.

As a parent, how can you help develop your child's creativity and imagination?

As a parent you can help develop the... creativity and imagination of your child. Below you will find some tips:

  • Give your child the space to invent and play their own games. For example, let your child make their own board game or make up a story.
  • Encourage your child to explore and discover. For example, give your child the space to experiment with different play materials and to come up with new rules.
  • Play with your child and let him or her explain the rules of the game. This can make your child feel more involved in the game and feel more valued.
  • Give your child extra explanation and help if he or she still finds the game difficult. This can help your child gain confidence and feel more supported.
  • Let your child play with younger children. This can ensure that your child learns to use his or her knowledge and skills in a different way and that he or she learns to play together.

In short, playing games can play an important role in the development of the brain creativity and imagination of children. As a parent you can help develop these skills in various ways, for example by giving your child the space to invent and play games themselves and by playing together and giving your child extra explanation and help if necessary.

The effect of games on the development of problem-solving skills

Concentration and focus

Regularly playing a game can help children to concentrate better. The longer they are engaged in something, the better they can concentrate and they are less likely to be disturbed by, for example, the television in the room. This is the case, for example, when playing with blocks or puzzles. Children's concentration is trained by picking up blocks or searching for the right puzzle piece.

Problem-solving way of thinking

Games encourage children to solve problems and creative thinking. For example, when building a hut or making jokes. This teaches children that there are often multiple possible solutions to a problem and that it is important to consider different options before making a decision. This can also happen, for example, when playing a board game where children have to think about their next move.

The importance of games in developing self-confidence and self-esteem

Successful experiences contribute to self-confidence

Children who regularly have successful experiences develop more self-confidence. Games often offer the opportunity to gain experiences of success. Think, for example, of winning a game, achieving a higher score or completing a difficult level. These successes make children feel more secure and stronger.

Games help deal with mistakes

Making mistakes is part of life and therefore also playing games. Children learn by playing games that making mistakes is okay and that you can learn from them. It is important that children learn to deal with mistakes and that they learn that making mistakes is part of it. By playing games, children learn that it is okay to make mistakes and that they can learn from them.

Games help develop perseverance

Some games are very challenging and can be frustrating. Playing these games can help develop perseverance. Children learn that sometimes it takes time to master something and that you have to persevere to achieve success. By developing perseverance, children feel stronger and more confident.

Reflect on successful experiences

It is important to reflect on the successes children achieve while playing games. Reflecting on these successes can help children become aware of their own strengths and take them to other situations. For example, ask your child what he or she has learned from getting a higher score or winning a game.

Note the number of games being played

It is important to pay attention to the number of games that children play. Spending too much time playing games is undesirable and can lead to a lack of social interaction and exercise. Therefore, make sure there is sufficient variety between different activities, such as sports, reading and making tasks.

Make use of games in everyday life

Games can also be used in everyday life to build self-confidence and self image to develop. Think, for example, of coming up with a presentation for school or preparing a dentist visit. By practicing these situations through games, children can prepare better and feel more confident.

How games can help children develop their concentration and focus

Children often have trouble focusing on a task, especially if the task is boring or repetitive. Games are a fun way to help children focus their attention on a specific task. Playing games teaches children to focus their attention on the task at hand and to concentrate on the details of the game.

The effect of games on the development of moral and ethical values ​​in children

Games teach children to deal with loss

Games teach children to deal with loss and to understand that it's not always about winning. Children learn that it is important to enjoy the game and to learn from their mistakes. They also learn to deal with the emotions associated with losses, such as disappointment and frustration.

Games teach children to communicate and work together

Games teach children to communicate and collaborate with others. Children learn to listen to others and to share their own ideas. They also learn to negotiate and compromise.



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Joost Nusselder, the founder of is a content marketer, father and loves trying out new toys. As a child he came into contact with everything related to games when his mother started the Tinnen Soldaat in Ede. Now he and his team create helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with fun play ideas.